25,000+ Public Domain Clip Art... and Growing! |

PDClipart.org is a HUGE collection of public domain clip art. The collection is FREE and NO REGISTRATION is required. We hope you find the clip art useful for your documents and projects. ENJOY!
Where do our visitors come from?
 | 1. United States |
 | 2. Canada |
 | 3. United Kingdom |
 | 4. Australia |
 | 5. Germany |
 | 6. India |
 | 7. Mexico |
 | 8. France |
 | 9. South Africa |
 | 10. Philippines |
About Public Domain Works
Generally, works in the public domain can be used without restriction. However, determining if a work or image is in fact in the public domain can be challenging, particularly where various countries and jurisdictions exist with different laws respecting what constitutes public domain status. PDClipart.org has made good faith efforts to find and include in our collection only images that we believe to be in the public domain. However, there is always the possibility, however small, that an image on this site is in fact not in the public domain and has been erroneously included in the collection, or that the image may not be in the public domain in your country or jurisdiction. Therefore, on our Terms of Use page, we provide links to the various sources of the images that were included on this site. As we would like to continue to offer this collection of images to the public, we require that users intending on utilizing images research the copyright and public domain status of the images for themselves prior to any use, such as commercial use. Also, we can not and do not guarantee the copyright or public domain status of any of the images on this site. Please see our Terms of Use for complete details. We thank you for using PDClipart.org and for your support! We hope you find PDClipart.org useful for your projects!
Some more public domain resources:
DMOZ Public Domain Clip Art
Wikipedia Public Domain Image Resources